Alice & Franco Battiato - I Treni Di... Price 15,00 € Artist: Alice & Franco BattiatoTitle: I Treni Di TozeurLabel: EMI ELECTROLALabel No: 1C0061186627Europa | Europe 1984
Billy Idol - Catch My Fall Price 6,00 € Artist: Billy IdolTitle: Catch My FallLabel: CHRYSALISLabel No: 107081Europa | Europe 1984
Bryan Adams - Can't Stop This Thing... Price 5,00 € Artist: Bryan AdamsTitle: Can't Stop This Thing We StartedLabel: A&M RECORDSLabel No: 390812-7Europa | Europe 1991
Christians, The - The Christians Price 10,00 € Artist: The ChristiansTitle: The ChristiansLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 208601Europa | Europe 1987
David Bowie - Absolute Beginners Price 7,00 € Artist: David BowieTitle: Absolute BeginnersLabel: VIRGINLabel No: 107937Europa | Europe 1986
David Bowie - Blue Jean Price 5,00 € Artist: David BowieTitle: Blue JeanLabel: EMI AMERICALabel No: 1C0062003227Europa | Europe 1984
David Bowie - Let's Dance Price 5,00 € Artist: David BowieTitle: Let's DanceLabel: EMI AMERICALabel No: 00686660Europa | Europe 1983
David Bowie - Tonight Price 5,00 € Artist: David BowieTitle: TonightLabel: EMI AMERICALabel No: 1A006-2004437Europa | Europe 1984
Don Johnson - Heartbeat Price 10,00 € Artist: Don JohnsonTitle: HeartbeatLabel: EPICLabel No: 4501031Europa | Europe 1986
Don Johnson - Heartbeat Price 8,00 € Artist: Don JohnsonTitle: HeartbeatLabel: EPICLabel No: 4501031Europa | Europe 1986
Foreigner - Records Price 3,00 € Artist: ForeignerTitle: RecordsLabel: ATLANTICLabel No: 78.0999-1Europa | Europe 1982
Heart - Dog & Butterfly Price 11,00 € Artist: HeartTitle: Dog & ButterflyLabel: PORTRAITLabel No: PRT 83080Europa | Europe 1978
Helen Watson - Blue Slipper Price 10,00 € Artist: Helen WatsonTitle: Blue SlipperLabel: COLUMBIALabel No: 0647483211Europa | Europe 1987
Jeremy Days, The - Are You Inventive? Price 2,00 € Artist: The Jeremy DaysTitle: Are You Inventive?Label: POLYDORLabel No: 887775-7Europa | Europe 1988
Joe Jackson - Night And Day Price 17,00 € Artist: Joe JacksonTitle: Night And DayLabel: A&M RECORDSLabel No: AMLH 64906Europa | Europe 1982
Midnight Oil - Diesel And Dust Price 27,00 € Artist: Midnight OilTitle: Diesel And DustLabel: CBSLabel No: 4600051Europa | Europe 1987
Paul Simon - Greatest Hits Etc. Price 4,00 € Artist: Paul SimonTitle: Greatest Hits Etc.Label: CBSLabel No: 86047Europa | Europe 1977
Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise Price 5,00 € Artist: Phil CollinsTitle: Another Day In ParadiseLabel: WEALabel No: 257359-7Europa | Europe 1989
Power Station, The - Some Like It Hot Price 8,00 € Artist: The Power StationTitle: Some Like It HotLabel: PARLOPHONELabel No: 006-2005197Europa | Europe 1985
REO Speedwagon - Keep The Fire Burning Price 2,00 € Artist: REO SpeedwagonTitle: Keep The Fire BurningLabel: EPICLabel No: A-2495Europa | Europe 1982
Robin Beck - First Time Price 1,00 € Artist: Robin BeckTitle: First TimeLabel: METRONOMELabel No: 872374-7Europa | Europe 1988
Roxette - Listen To Your Heart Price 2,00 € Artist: RoxetteTitle: Listen To Your HeartLabel: PARLOPHONELabel No: 0161363237Europa | Europe 1988
Steely Dan - Pretzel Logic Price 75,00 € Artist: Steely DanTitle: Pretzel LogicLabel: MCA RECORDSLabel No: 250495-1Europa | Europe 1984
Styx - Paradise Theatre Price 13,00 € Artist: StyxTitle: Paradise TheatreLabel: A&M RECORDSLabel No: AMLK 63719Europa | Europe 1981
Tina Turner - Foreign Affair Price 14,00 € Artist: Tina TurnerTitle: Foreign AffairLabel: CAPITOL RECORDSLabel No: 064-7918731Europa | Europe 1989
U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm... Price 15,00 € Artist: U2Title: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking ForLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 109152Europa | Europe 1987