Abba - The Day Before You Came Price 3,00 € Artist: AbbaTitle: The Day Before You CameLabel: VOGUELabel No: 101691Frankreich | France 1982
Al Stewart - Time Passages Price 7,00 € Artist: Al StewartTitle: Time PassagesLabel: RCA VICTORLabel No: PL 25173Deutschland | Germany 1978
Alice & Franco Battiato - I Treni Di... Price 15,00 € Artist: Alice & Franco BattiatoTitle: I Treni Di TozeurLabel: EMI ELECTROLALabel No: 1C0061186627Europa | Europe 1984
Alice Cooper - Hello Hurray Price 5,00 € Artist: Alice CooperTitle: Hello HurrayLabel: WARNER BROS. RECORDSLabel No: WB16248Deutschland | Germany 1973
Alice Cooper - School's Out • Gutter Cat Price 6,00 € Artist: Alice CooperTitle: School's Out • Gutter CatLabel: WARNER BROS. RECORDSLabel No: WB16188Deutschland | Germany 1972
Ärzte, Die - Bitte Bitte Price 39,00 € Artist: Ärzte, DieTitle: Bitte BitteLabel: CBSLabel No: CBS 6547727Deutschland | Germany 1989
Ärzte, Die - Bitte Bitte Price 11,00 € Artist: Ärzte, DieTitle: Bitte BitteLabel: CBSLabel No: CBS 6547727Deutschland | Germany 1989
The Alan Parsons Project, The - Eve Price 10,00 € Artist: The The Alan Parsons ProjectTitle: EveLabel: ARISTALabel No: 1C064-63063Deutschland | Germany 1979
The Alan Parsons Project, The - I Robot Price 16,00 € Artist: The The Alan Parsons ProjectTitle: I RobotLabel: ARISTALabel No: 3C064-99168Italien | Italy 1977
The Alan Parsons Project, The - I Robot Price 6,00 € Artist: The The Alan Parsons ProjectTitle: I RobotLabel: ARISTALabel No: 1C064-99168Deutschland | Germany 1977
The Alan Parsons Project, The - Tales... Price 12,00 € Artist: The The Alan Parsons ProjectTitle: Tales Of Mystery And ImaginationLabel: 20TH CENTURY FOX RECORDSLabel No: 6370243Deutschland | Germany 1976