Al Stewart - Year Of The Cat Price €6.00 Artist: Al StewartTitle: Year Of The CatLabel: JANUS RECORDSLabel No: AL9503Kanada | Canada 1976
Cat Stevens - Catch Bull At Four Price €7.00 Artist: Cat StevensTitle: Catch Bull At FourLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 86372 ITDeutschland | Germany 1972
Deep Purple - Come Taste The Band Price €35.00 Artist: Deep PurpleTitle: Come Taste The BandLabel: PURPLE RECORDSLabel No: 1C062-97044Deutschland | Germany 1975
Ekseption - Trinity Price €8.00 Artist: EkseptionTitle: TrinityLabel: PHILIPSLabel No: 6423 056Deutschland | Germany 1973
Eric Burdon Band - Stop Price €23.00 Artist: Eric Burdon BandTitle: StopLabel: CAPITOL RECORDSLabel No: 1C062-81932Deutschland | Germany 1975
Frank Duval & Orchestra - Angel Of Mine Price €5.00 Artist: Frank Duval & OrchestraTitle: Angel Of MineLabel: TELDECLabel No: 6.24580Deutschland | Germany 1981
Grand Funk - We're An American Band Price €30.00 Artist: Grand FunkTitle: We're An American BandLabel: CAPITOL RECORDSLabel No: 062-81469Deutschland | Germany 1973
Harry Sacksioni - Harry Sacksioni •... Price €3.00 Artist: Harry SacksioniTitle: Harry Sacksioni • GitaarLabel: HARLEKIJNLabel No: 2441 503Niederlande | Netherlands 1975
Harry Sacksioni - Harry Sacksioni:... Price €4.00 Artist: Harry SacksioniTitle: Harry Sacksioni: GitaarLabel: HARLEKIJNLabel No: 2441503Niederlande | Netherlands 1975
Pink Floyd - Meddle Price €45.00 Artist: Pink FloydTitle: MeddleLabel: HARVESTLabel No: 3C064-04917Italien | Italy 1976
Steely Dan - Pretzel Logic Price €75.00 Artist: Steely DanTitle: Pretzel LogicLabel: MCA RECORDSLabel No: 250495-1Europa | Europe 1984
Tangerine Dream - Alpha Centauri Price €39.00 Artist: Tangerine DreamTitle: Alpha CentauriLabel: OHRLabel No: OMM 556.012Deutschland | Germany 1972
Tangerine Dream - Cyclone Price €23.00 Artist: Tangerine DreamTitle: CycloneLabel: VIRGINLabel No: 25 843 XOTDeutschland | Germany 1978
Tangerine Dream - Stratosfear Price €25.00 Artist: Tangerine DreamTitle: StratosfearLabel: VIRGINLabel No: V2068Großbritannien | United Kingdom 1976
Uriah Heep - Salisbury Price €27.00 Artist: Uriah HeepTitle: SalisburyLabel: BRONZELabel No: 28 764Deutschland | Germany unknown
Various - Doldinger Jubilee Concert Price €7.00 Artist: VariousTitle: Doldinger Jubilee ConcertLabel: ATLANTICLabel No: ATL 50070Deutschland | Germany 1974