Amanda Lear - No Credit Card Price €7.00 Artist: Amanda LearTitle: No Credit CardLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5272Deutschland | Germany 1985
Amin-Peck - Girl On Me Price €25.00 Artist: Amin-PeckTitle: Girl On MeLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5018Deutschland | Germany 1982
Answering Service - Call Me Mr.... Price €17.00 Artist: Answering ServiceTitle: Call Me Mr. TelephoneLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5156Deutschland | Germany 1984
Baby's Gang - Happy Song Price €9.00 Artist: Baby's GangTitle: Happy SongLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5076Deutschland | Germany 1983
Big Ben Tribe - Hot Love Price €8.00 Artist: Big Ben TribeTitle: Hot LoveLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5114Deutschland | Germany 1983
Camaro's Gang - Bronx Price €7.00 Artist: Camaro's GangTitle: BronxLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5403Deutschland | Germany 1986
Céyx - Ma-La-Vi-Ta Price €12.00 Artist: CéyxTitle: Ma-La-Vi-TaLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5690Italien | Italy 1987
Ceyx - Ma-La-Vi-Ta Price €8.00 Artist: CeyxTitle: Ma-La-Vi-TaLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5690Deutschland | Germany 1987
Chester - Hold The Line Price €29.00 Artist: ChesterTitle: Hold The LineLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5744Deutschland | Germany 1987
Chi Chi Liah - Proud Mary (Canadian... Price €5.00 Artist: Chi Chi LiahTitle: Proud Mary (Canadian Re-Mix)Label: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5186Deutschland | Germany 1984
Chi Chi Liah - Proud Mary (Canadian... Price €4.00 Artist: Chi Chi LiahTitle: Proud Mary (Canadian Remix)Label: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5186Deutschland | Germany 1984
Chip Chip - Never Say Goodbye Price €27.00 Artist: Chip ChipTitle: Never Say GoodbyeLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5619Deutschland | Germany 1986
Cruisin' Gang - Chinatown Price €7.00 Artist: Cruisin' GangTitle: ChinatownLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5178Deutschland | Germany 1984
D. Light, The - Scratch Your Face Price €5.00 Artist: The D. LightTitle: Scratch Your FaceLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5067Deutschland | Germany 1983
D. Light, The - Scratch Your Face Price €3.00 Artist: The D. LightTitle: Scratch Your FaceLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5067Deutschland | Germany 1983
Digital Game - Please Don't Go Price €7.00 Artist: Digital GameTitle: Please Don't GoLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5235Deutschland | Germany 1985
Digital Game - Please Don't Go Price €3.00 Artist: Digital GameTitle: Please Don't GoLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5235Deutschland | Germany 1985
Digital Game - Shake Your Booty Price €4.00 Artist: Digital GameTitle: Shake Your BootyLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5399Deutschland | Germany 1986
Doctor's Cat - Feel The Drive Price €20.00 Artist: Doctor's CatTitle: Feel The DriveLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5044Deutschland | Germany 1983
Eddy Huntington - U.S.S.R. Price €18.00 Artist: Eddy HuntingtonTitle: U.S.S.R.Label: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5487Deutschland | Germany 1986
Eddy Huntington - Up & Down Price €4.00 Artist: Eddy HuntingtonTitle: Up & DownLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 1281Deutschland | Germany 1987
Eddy Huntington - Up & Down Price €8.00 Artist: Eddy HuntingtonTitle: Up & DownLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 1281Deutschland | Germany 1987
Ennio Manuel - Heads I Win, Tails You... Price €11.00 Artist: Ennio ManuelTitle: Heads I Win, Tails You LoseLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5246Deutschland | Germany 1985
Facts & Fiction - Give Me The Night Price €65.00 Artist: Facts & FictionTitle: Give Me The NightLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5585Deutschland | Germany 1986
Flexi Cowboys - Domination Price €13.00 Artist: Flexi CowboysTitle: DominationLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5282Deutschland | Germany 1985
Fun Fun - Mega Hit Mix Price €6.00 Artist: Fun FunTitle: Mega Hit MixLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5833Deutschland | Germany 1988
Glen White - Tv Lover Price €7.00 Artist: Glen WhiteTitle: Tv LoverLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5702Deutschland | Germany 1987
HBO - Come With Me Price €5.00 Artist: HBOTitle: Come With MeLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5438Deutschland | Germany 1986
Hypnosis - Oxygene Price €5.00 Artist: HypnosisTitle: OxygeneLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5060Deutschland | Germany 1983
Hypnosis - Oxygene Price €8.00 Artist: HypnosisTitle: OxygeneLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5060Deutschland | Germany 1983
Hypnosis - Oxygene Price €8.00 Artist: HypnosisTitle: OxygeneLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5060Deutschland | Germany 1983
Hypnosis - Pulstar Price €7.00 Artist: HypnosisTitle: PulstarLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5036Deutschland | Germany 1983
Hypnosis - Pulstar Price €3.00 Artist: HypnosisTitle: PulstarLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5036Deutschland | Germany 1983
Hypnosis - Pulstar Price €9.00 Artist: HypnosisTitle: PulstarLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5036Deutschland | Germany 1983
Hypnosis - Pulstar Price €6.00 Artist: HypnosisTitle: PulstarLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5036Deutschland | Germany 1983
Koto - Chinese Revenge Price €7.00 Artist: KotoTitle: Chinese RevengeLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5077Deutschland | Germany 1983
Max Him - Japanese Girl Price €7.00 Artist: Max HimTitle: Japanese GirlLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5350Deutschland | Germany 1985
Max Him - Lady Fantasy Price €14.00 Artist: Max HimTitle: Lady FantasyLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5229Deutschland | Germany 1985
Midnight's Moskow, The - Tovarisc... Price €17.00 Artist: The Midnight's MoskowTitle: Tovarisc GorbaciovLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5695Deutschland | Germany 1987
Miko Mission - How Old Are You Price €10.00 Artist: Miko MissionTitle: How Old Are YouLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5145Deutschland | Germany 1984
Miko Mission - The World Is You Price €4.00 Artist: Miko MissionTitle: The World Is YouLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 1111Deutschland | Germany 1985
One Two - Dance All Days Price €13.00 Artist: One TwoTitle: Dance All DaysLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5104Deutschland | Germany 1984
P. Lion - Under The Moon Price €8.00 Artist: P. LionTitle: Under The MoonLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5433Deutschland | Germany 1986
P4F - Diamond Price €10.00 Artist: P4FTitle: DiamondLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5565Deutschland | Germany 1986
P4F - P. Machinery Medley With Relax Price €7.00 Artist: P4FTitle: P. Machinery Medley With RelaxLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5451Deutschland | Germany 1986
P4F - P. Machinery Medley With Relax Price €4.00 Artist: P4FTitle: P. Machinery Medley With RelaxLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5451Deutschland | Germany 1986
Patty Ryan - Stay With Me Tonight Price €26.00 Artist: Patty RyanTitle: Stay With Me TonightLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5545Deutschland | Germany 1986
Patty Ryan - Stay With Me Tonight Price €30.00 Artist: Patty RyanTitle: Stay With Me TonightLabel: ZYX RECORDSLabel No: 5545Deutschland | Germany 1986