Clockwork Wizards - First Spells Preis 7,00 € Artist: Clockwork WizardsTitle: First SpellsLabel: ANACONDA RECORDSLabel No: ANNA 009 LPDeutschland | Germany 1989
Commander Cody Band - Lose It Tonight Preis 8,00 € Artist: Commander Cody BandTitle: Lose It TonightLabel: LINE RECORDSLabel No: LILP 4.00054 JDeutschland | Germany unknown
Duvals, The - Beauty Preis 27,00 € Artist: The DuvalsTitle: BeautyLabel: ROOKIE RECORDSLabel No: RR009Deutschland | Germany 1991
Electro Defender - Bassmission Preis 29,00 € Artist: Electro DefenderTitle: BassmissionLabel: DEFENDERGROOVE RECORDSLabel No: DGR 010Deutschland | Germany 2022
Homefront, The - Sacrifice Preis 22,00 € Artist: The HomefrontTitle: SacrificeLabel: ONRUSH RECORDSLabel No: 001USA | USA 2007
I.A.O. - Jamming In The Parabolic... Preis 45,00 € Artist: I.A.O.Title: Jamming In The Parabolic Mirror Of The LordLabel: INTERFISCH RECORDSLabel No: 01709-08Deutschland | Germany 1988
Ian Matthews - Discreet Repeat Preis 27,00 € Artist: Ian MatthewsTitle: Discreet RepeatLabel: LINE RECORDSLabel No: LIDLP5.00003Deutschland | Germany 1985
Kraan - Flyday Preis 27,00 € Artist: KraanTitle: FlydayLabel: HARVESTLabel No: 064-45210Deutschland | Germany 1978
Mel & Kim - F.L.M. Preis 13,00 € Artist: Mel & KimTitle: F.L.M.Label: BLOW UPLabel No: 145.527Deutschland | Germany 1987
Mel & Kim - F.L.M. Preis 8,00 € Artist: Mel & KimTitle: F.L.M.Label: BLOW UPLabel No: 145.527Deutschland | Germany 1987
Melbra Rai - Live Preis 30,00 € Artist: Melbra RaiTitle: LiveLabel: OMARI RECORDSLabel No: LP 1399USA | USA 1981
Melbra Rai - Live Preis 30,00 € Artist: Melbra RaiTitle: LiveLabel: OMARI RECORDSLabel No: LP 1399USA | USA 1981
Melbra Rai - Live Preis 30,00 € Artist: Melbra RaiTitle: LiveLabel: OMARI RECORDSLabel No: LP 1399USA | USA 1981
Smiths, The - Strangeways Here We Come Preis 150,00 € Artist: The SmithsTitle: Strangeways Here We ComeLabel: ROUGH TRADELabel No: RTD60Deutschland | Germany 1987
Various - Hot Stuff - Supersound... Preis 10,00 € Artist: VariousTitle: Hot Stuff - Supersound Disco MixLabel: BLOW UPLabel No: 135.500Deutschland | Germany 1983
Various - Super Maxi II • Pop, Funk &... Preis 13,00 € Artist: VariousTitle: Super Maxi II • Pop, Funk & Disco RemixesLabel: TELDECLabel No: 6.28631Deutschland | Germany 1983