A.G.A. - Take Good Care Of My Heart Preis 4,00 € Artist: A.G.A.Title: Take Good Care Of My HeartLabel: BLAXX MAXXLabel No: 1004-0Deutschland | Germany 1990
Adobo - Party '98 • Cyrus & The Joker... Preis 7,00 € Artist: AdoboTitle: Party '98 • Cyrus & The Joker MixesLabel: ELECTRONICLabel No: 885790-6Deutschland | Germany 1998
Amok ! - Disco Party Preis 4,00 € Artist: Amok !Title: Disco PartyLabel: ELECTRONICLabel No: 8850096Deutschland | Germany 1997
Ars Modulandi - Staccato E.P. Preis 12,00 € Artist: Ars ModulandiTitle: Staccato E.P.Label: LAISSEZ FAIRE RECORDSLabel No: LAFA VY 1294001Deutschland | Germany 1994
Cappella - Move On Baby Preis 47,00 € Artist: CappellaTitle: Move On BabyLabel: MEDIA RECORDSLabel No: MR616/GREENItalien | Italy 1994
Cappella - Move On Baby Preis 50,00 € Artist: CappellaTitle: Move On BabyLabel: MEDIA RECORDSLabel No: MR616/BLUEItalien | Italy 1994
Clubheroes - Smurf's Revenge • The... Preis 4,00 € Artist: ClubheroesTitle: Smurf's Revenge • The Dum Dum RemixesLabel: FORMALDEHYDLabel No: FORM 037Deutschland | Germany 1996
Commander Cody Band - Lose It Tonight Preis 8,00 € Artist: Commander Cody BandTitle: Lose It TonightLabel: LINE RECORDSLabel No: LILP 4.00054 JDeutschland | Germany unknown
DJ Errik - Manual Of Operation Preis 4,00 € Artist: DJ ErrikTitle: Manual Of OperationLabel: FIRE RECORDINGSLabel No: 74321530101Deutschland | Germany 1997
DJ Hooker - Do The Blues Preis 5,00 € Artist: DJ HookerTitle: Do The BluesLabel: DJ MASTERPIECELabel No: DJMasterpiece 001Deutschland | Germany 1995
DJ Hooker - Do The Blues Preis 7,00 € Artist: DJ HookerTitle: Do The BluesLabel: DJ MASTERPIECELabel No: DJMasterpiece 001Deutschland | Germany 1995
DJ Hooker - Do The Blues • The Hit'n... Preis 8,00 € Artist: DJ HookerTitle: Do The Blues • The Hit'n House MixesLabel: DJ MASTERPIECELabel No: DJMasterpiece 001Deutschland | Germany 1995
Duvals, The - Beauty Preis 27,00 € Artist: The DuvalsTitle: BeautyLabel: ROOKIE RECORDSLabel No: RR009Deutschland | Germany 1991
Jark Prongo - Bad Breath Preis 7,00 € Artist: Jark ProngoTitle: Bad BreathLabel: JP RECORDSLabel No: JP002Niederlande | Netherlands 1993
Karma - Everyone Preis 4,00 € Artist: KarmaTitle: EveryoneLabel: NOT ON LABELLabel No: LEGOLAND 04Deutschland | Germany unknown
Karma - Everyone Preis 3,00 € Artist: KarmaTitle: EveryoneLabel: NOT ON LABELLabel No: LEGOLAND 04Deutschland | Germany unknown
Koala - Planet Blue Preis 7,00 € Artist: KoalaTitle: Planet BlueLabel: OXALabel No: OXA 8013-12Schweiz | Schweiz 1998
Lovestern Galaktika Project -... Preis 4,00 € Artist: Lovestern Galaktika ProjectTitle: Galaktika '98Label: ADRENALINLabel No: 07-666200-20Deutschland | Germany 1998
Odyssey - Into The Light Preis 4,00 € Artist: OdysseyTitle: Into The LightLabel: METRONOMELabel No: ODY 005Deutschland | Germany 1994
Nicht auf Lager Odyssey - Into The Light Preis 4,00 € Artist: OdysseyTitle: Into The LightLabel: METRONOMELabel No: ODY 005Deutschland | Germany 1994
Pianoheadz, The - Distortion Preis 17,00 € Artist: The PianoheadzTitle: DistortionLabel: ZYX MUSICLabel No: 8822-12Deutschland | Germany 1998
Plastic Voice - Los Ninos Del Parque... Preis 22,00 € Artist: Plastic VoiceTitle: Los Ninos Del Parque • RemixesLabel: URBANLabel No: PlasticVoiceDeutschland | Germany 1997
Spacekid - Wonderful E.P. Preis 10,00 € Artist: SpacekidTitle: Wonderful E.P.Label: HOUSE NATIONLabel No: HN 082Deutschland | Germany 1996