Adobo - Party '98 • Cyrus & The Joker... Preis 7,00 € Artist: AdoboTitle: Party '98 • Cyrus & The Joker MixesLabel: ELECTRONICLabel No: 885790-6Deutschland | Germany 1998
Amok ! - Disco Party Preis 4,00 € Artist: Amok !Title: Disco PartyLabel: ELECTRONICLabel No: 8850096Deutschland | Germany 1997
Bobby King & Terry Evans - Seeing Is... Preis 8,00 € Artist: Bobby King & Terry EvansTitle: Seeing Is BelievingLabel: MARAT RECORDSLabel No: MaratCM12Deutschland | Germany 1988
DJ Hooker - Do The Blues Preis 5,00 € Artist: DJ HookerTitle: Do The BluesLabel: DJ MASTERPIECELabel No: DJMasterpiece 001Deutschland | Germany 1995
DJ Hooker - Do The Blues Preis 7,00 € Artist: DJ HookerTitle: Do The BluesLabel: DJ MASTERPIECELabel No: DJMasterpiece 001Deutschland | Germany 1995
DJ Hooker - Do The Blues • The Hit'n... Preis 8,00 € Artist: DJ HookerTitle: Do The Blues • The Hit'n House MixesLabel: DJ MASTERPIECELabel No: DJMasterpiece 001Deutschland | Germany 1995
DJ's Factory - A View To A Kill Preis 13,00 € Artist: DJ's FactoryTitle: A View To A KillLabel: RUSH RECORDSLabel No: RR 12011Deutschland | Germany 1985
Dolphin's Mind - Into The Blue Preis 10,00 € Artist: Dolphin's MindTitle: Into The BlueLabel: DANCE DIVISIONLabel No: 6694136Deutschland | Germany 2000
Duvals, The - Beauty Preis 27,00 € Artist: The DuvalsTitle: BeautyLabel: ROOKIE RECORDSLabel No: RR009Deutschland | Germany 1991
Electro Defender - Bassmission Preis 29,00 € Artist: Electro DefenderTitle: BassmissionLabel: DEFENDERGROOVE RECORDSLabel No: DGR 010Deutschland | Germany 2022
Flim Flam - Shall We Do It Again •... Preis 16,00 € Artist: Flim FlamTitle: Shall We Do It Again • DMC RemixLabel: FLIM FLAM RECORDSLabel No: FFR 1203Europa | Europe 1989
Green Velvet - La La Land Preis 90,00 € Artist: Green VelvetTitle: La La LandLabel: SUPERSTAR RECORDINGSLabel No: SUPERDJ2032Deutschland | Germany 2001
Homefront, The - Sacrifice Preis 22,00 € Artist: The HomefrontTitle: SacrificeLabel: ONRUSH RECORDSLabel No: 001USA | USA 2007
Ian Matthews - Discreet Repeat Preis 27,00 € Artist: Ian MatthewsTitle: Discreet RepeatLabel: LINE RECORDSLabel No: LIDLP5.00003Deutschland | Germany 1985
Koala - Planet Blue Preis 7,00 € Artist: KoalaTitle: Planet BlueLabel: OXALabel No: OXA 8013-12Schweiz | Schweiz 1998
Lee Carson - Baby Lou Preis 10,00 € Artist: Lee CarsonTitle: Baby LouLabel: DA RECORDSLabel No: 455015Deutschland | Germany 1987
Lovestern Galaktika Project -... Preis 4,00 € Artist: Lovestern Galaktika ProjectTitle: Galaktika '98Label: ADRENALINLabel No: 07-666200-20Deutschland | Germany 1998
M - Pop Muzik Preis 47,00 € Artist: MTitle: Pop MuzikLabel: MUSIC ON VINYLLabel No: MOV10007Niederlande | Netherlands 2019
Martinelli - Cenerentola (Cinderella) Preis 10,00 € Artist: MartinelliTitle: Cenerentola (Cinderella)Label: CHIC RECORDSLabel No: 6.20454Deutschland | Germany 1985
Martinelli - Cenerentola (Cinderella) Preis 8,00 € Artist: MartinelliTitle: Cenerentola (Cinderella)Label: CHIC RECORDSLabel No: 6.20454Deutschland | Germany 1985
Melbra Rai - Live Preis 30,00 € Artist: Melbra RaiTitle: LiveLabel: OMARI RECORDSLabel No: LP 1399USA | USA 1981
Melbra Rai - Live Preis 30,00 € Artist: Melbra RaiTitle: LiveLabel: OMARI RECORDSLabel No: LP 1399USA | USA 1981
Melbra Rai - Live Preis 30,00 € Artist: Melbra RaiTitle: LiveLabel: OMARI RECORDSLabel No: LP 1399USA | USA 1981
Midnight Star - Engine No. 9 Preis 25,00 € Artist: Midnight StarTitle: Engine No. 9Label: SOLARLabel No: 126.006Deutschland | Germany 1986
Moti Special - Cold Days, Hot Nights Preis 10,00 € Artist: Moti SpecialTitle: Cold Days, Hot NightsLabel: TELDECLabel No: 6.20384Deutschland | Germany 1985
Moti Special - Cold Days, Hot Nights Preis 14,00 € Artist: Moti SpecialTitle: Cold Days, Hot NightsLabel: TELDECLabel No: 6.20384Deutschland | Germany 1985
Moti Special - Stop! Girls Go Crazy Preis 27,00 € Artist: Moti SpecialTitle: Stop! Girls Go CrazyLabel: TELDECLabel No: 6.20494Deutschland | Germany 1985
Nancy Costa - New York Times Preis 10,00 € Artist: Nancy CostaTitle: New York TimesLabel: TOLEDOLabel No: 127.506Deutschland | Germany 1984
Real Life - Send Me An Angel Preis 22,00 € Artist: Real LifeTitle: Send Me An AngelLabel: CURB RECORDSLabel No: 127.710Deutschland | Germany 1984
Real Life - Send Me An Angel Preis 27,00 € Artist: Real LifeTitle: Send Me An AngelLabel: CURB RECORDSLabel No: 127.710Deutschland | Germany 1984
Romance - Dance My Way To Your Heart Preis 17,00 € Artist: RomanceTitle: Dance My Way To Your HeartLabel: G & G RECORDSLabel No: GG 16000Italien | Italy 1978
Scharfrichter 7 Meets Tonteufel -... Preis 9,00 € Artist: Scharfrichter 7 Meets TonteufelTitle: Ab-Wehr-TonLabel: HOT SCORE RECORDSLabel No: HS 1208-06169Österreich | Österreich 2000
Shass - Money Talks Preis 8,00 € Artist: ShassTitle: Money TalksLabel: INTERCORDLabel No: 125.222Deutschland | Germany 1984
Shass - Money Talks Preis 9,00 € Artist: ShassTitle: Money TalksLabel: INTERCORDLabel No: 125.222Deutschland | Germany 1984
Silicon Dream - Albert Einstein -... Preis 12,00 € Artist: Silicon DreamTitle: Albert Einstein - Everything Is Relative • Mars-MixLabel: BLOW UPLabel No: 125.708Deutschland | Germany 1987
Silver Pozzoli - Around My Dream • Remix Preis 38,00 € Artist: Silver PozzoliTitle: Around My Dream • RemixLabel: TELDECLabel No: 6.20448Deutschland | Germany 1985
Smiths, The - Strangeways Here We Come Preis 150,00 € Artist: The SmithsTitle: Strangeways Here We ComeLabel: ROUGH TRADELabel No: RTD60Deutschland | Germany 1987
Sophie Ellis Bextor - Get Over You Preis 27,00 € Artist: Sophie Ellis BextorTitle: Get Over YouLabel: POLYDORLabel No: 2912Frankreich | France 2003
Spacekid - Wonderful E.P. Preis 10,00 € Artist: SpacekidTitle: Wonderful E.P.Label: HOUSE NATIONLabel No: HN 082Deutschland | Germany 1996
T.O.T.A.L. - Recall Preis 15,00 € Artist: T.O.T.A.L.Title: RecallLabel: BLOW UPLabel No: 125.742Deutschland | Germany 1988
Untouchables, The - I Spy For The F.B.I. Preis 14,00 € Artist: The UntouchablesTitle: I Spy For The F.B.I.Label: STIFF RECORDSLabel No: 6.20476Deutschland | Germany 1985
Various - Hot Stuff - Supersound... Preis 10,00 € Artist: VariousTitle: Hot Stuff - Supersound Disco MixLabel: BLOW UPLabel No: 135.500Deutschland | Germany 1983
Various - Super Maxi II • Pop, Funk &... Preis 13,00 € Artist: VariousTitle: Super Maxi II • Pop, Funk & Disco RemixesLabel: TELDECLabel No: 6.28631Deutschland | Germany 1983
Youssou N'Dour - The Rubberband Man Preis 30,00 € Artist: Youssou N'DourTitle: The Rubberband ManLabel: TRANSPARENTLabel No: 80002005-1Deutschland | Germany 1985