Christians, The - When The Fingers Point Preis 3,00 € Artist: The ChristiansTitle: When The Fingers PointLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 609415Deutschland | Germany 1987
Christians, The - When The Fingers Point Preis 3,00 € Artist: The ChristiansTitle: When The Fingers PointLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 609415Deutschland | Germany 1987
Earons, The - Land Of Hunger Preis 5,00 € Artist: The EaronsTitle: Land Of HungerLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 601273Europa | Europe 1984
Eugene Wilde - Chey Chey Kulé Preis 3,00 € Artist: Eugene WildeTitle: Chey Chey KuléLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 601843Europa | Europe 1984
Phil Fearon & Galaxy - Everybody's... Preis 2,00 € Artist: Phil Fearon & GalaxyTitle: Everybody's LaughingLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 601379Europa | Europe 1984
Trouble Funk - Woman Of Principle Preis 3,00 € Artist: Trouble FunkTitle: Woman Of PrincipleLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 0-96761USA | USA 1987
Will Downing - A Dream Fulfilled Preis 8,00 € Artist: Will DowningTitle: A Dream FulfilledLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 211379Deutschland | Germany 1991
Will Downing - A Love Supreme • Jazz... Preis 3,00 € Artist: Will DowningTitle: A Love Supreme • Jazz In The House MixLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 609853Europa | Europe 1988
Wilton Place Street Band - Baby Love,... Preis 3,00 € Artist: Wilton Place Street BandTitle: Baby Love, Sweet Sweet LoveLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: IS1004USA | USA 1977
Womack & Womack - Celebrate The World Preis 4,00 € Artist: Womack & WomackTitle: Celebrate The WorldLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 612059Deutschland | Germany 1988
Womack & Womack - Celebrate The World Preis 3,00 € Artist: Womack & WomackTitle: Celebrate The WorldLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 612059Deutschland | Germany 1988
Womack & Womack - Celebrate The World Preis 3,00 € Artist: Womack & WomackTitle: Celebrate The WorldLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 612059Deutschland | Germany 1988
Womack & Womack - Conscience Preis 7,00 € Artist: Womack & WomackTitle: ConscienceLabel: ISLAND RECORDSLabel No: 209139Europa | Europe 1988