200 Degrees - Love Bugs Preis 5,00 € Artist: 200 DegreesTitle: Love BugsLabel: MIGHTYLabel No: noneDeutschland | Germany 1998
808 State - Cübik • Olympic Preis 5,00 € Artist: 808 StateTitle: Cübik • OlympicLabel: ZTTLabel No: 9031-72848-7Europa | Europe 1990
808 State - Time Bomb Preis 6,00 € Artist: 808 StateTitle: Time BombLabel: ZTTLabel No: SAM 1012Großbritannien | United Kingdom 1992
A Homeboy, A Hippie & A Funki Dredd -... Preis 7,00 € Artist: A Homeboy, A Hippie & A Funki DreddTitle: FreedomLabel: INDISCLabel No: 128235Belgien | Belgium 1991
Ablaze - One More Preis 4,00 € Artist: AblazeTitle: One MoreLabel: MIGHTYLabel No: noneDeutschland | Germany 1998
Adventures Of The Skysurfer, The - Be... Preis 2,00 € Artist: The Adventures Of The SkysurferTitle: Be My SlaveLabel: BAZOOKAH RECORDSLabel No: noneDeutschland | Germany unknown
Alcatraz - Welcome Preis 7,00 € Artist: AlcatrazTitle: WelcomeLabel: USA IMPORT MUSICLabel No: U.S.A. ANTWERP 1141Belgien | Belgium 1993
Alex Niggemann - Circles Preis 5,00 € Artist: Alex NiggemannTitle: CirclesLabel: MICRO.FONLabel No: MF14Deutschland | Germany 2008
Analog System - Music With More Muscles Preis 5,00 € Artist: Analog SystemTitle: Music With More MusclesLabel: HEADLINELabel No: hdr 0015Deutschland | Germany 2002
Andrea True - Lovin' You Preis 4,00 € Artist: Andrea TrueTitle: Lovin' YouLabel: URBANLabel No: noneDeutschland | Germany unknown
Andy B. Jones - In Motion Preis 3,00 € Artist: Andy B. JonesTitle: In MotionLabel: TITTY TWISTERLabel No: TITTY 007Deutschland | Germany 2002
Angy Dee - Something Wonderful Preis 8,00 € Artist: Angy DeeTitle: Something WonderfulLabel: TRAUMA RECORDSLabel No: TRA016Schweiz | Schweiz 2001
Antoine Clamaran - Superdrum Part. 2 Preis 5,00 € Artist: Antoine ClamaranTitle: Superdrum Part. 2Label: BASIC TRAXX RECORDINGSLabel No: BTR 022Frankreich | France 2002
Araknofobia - Arachnophobia (I Want You) Preis 4,00 € Artist: AraknofobiaTitle: Arachnophobia (I Want You)Label: TRIBAL AMERICALabel No: V-13854USA | USA 1992
Art Bizarre - Drop Into Me Preis 3,00 € Artist: Art BizarreTitle: Drop Into MeLabel: WHAT'S UP ?!Label No: noneDeutschland | Germany 1999
Avancada - Go! Preis 3,00 € Artist: AvancadaTitle: Go!Label: X-IT RECORDSLabel No: noneDeutschland | Germany unknown
B.A.T. - There's A Bat In My House Preis 4,00 € Artist: B.A.T.Title: There's A Bat In My HouseLabel: FLIM FLAM RECORDSLabel No: FFR 1202Deutschland | Germany 1989
B.O.Y. - B.o.y. (Because Of You) Preis 3,00 € Artist: B.O.Y.Title: B.o.y. (Because Of You)Label: EMI ELECTROLALabel No: 0602044086Deutschland | Germany 1991
Backlash, The -... Preis 4,00 € Artist: The BacklashTitle: SexanddrugsandrockandrollLabel: SURPRISE RECORDSLabel No: Surprise017Belgien | Belgium 2004
Baltique - Joseph Otten Preis 8,00 € Artist: BaltiqueTitle: Joseph OttenLabel: NO RESPECT RECORDSLabel No: NRR046Deutschland | Germany 1996
Beat In Time - The Real Time Preis 7,00 € Artist: Beat In TimeTitle: The Real TimeLabel: LOW SPIRIT RECORDINGSLabel No: 04016-02MSDeutschland | Germany 1990
Bel Tane - Solarize (The Rising Sun) Preis 4,00 € Artist: Bel TaneTitle: Solarize (The Rising Sun)Label: PWL INTERNATIONALLabel No: 9031-77533-0Deutschland | Germany 1992
Ben Jamin - Flex Mich Preis 8,00 € Artist: Ben JaminTitle: Flex MichLabel: KANZLERAMTLabel No: KA 940403Deutschland | Germany 1994
Bit-Max - Airport Preis 4,00 € Artist: Bit-MaxTitle: AirportLabel: DIG IT INTERNATIONALLabel No: DMX 10066Italien | Italy 1992
Böse Mann, Der - Kommt Mit Mir Preis 10,00 € Artist: Böse Mann, DerTitle: Kommt Mit MirLabel: TELDECLabel No: 170824-0Deutschland | Germany 1990
Bossi - Time To Make The Floor Burn •... Preis 7,00 € Artist: BossiTitle: Time To Make The Floor Burn • The RemixesLabel: MIGHTYLabel No: 569795-1Deutschland | Germany 1998
Brian Eno - Ali Click Preis 23,00 € Artist: Brian EnoTitle: Ali ClickLabel: OPAL RECORDSLabel No: 9362406240Europa | Europe 1992
Bronx Bongo Player's, The - Boogy... Preis 90,00 € Artist: The Bronx Bongo Player'sTitle: Boogy Like ThereLabel: RESPECT! RECORDSLabel No: RES-008Deutschland | Germany 1997
But's - I'm Raving Preis 3,00 € Artist: But'sTitle: I'm RavingLabel: STRICTLY DANCELabel No: 8804336Deutschland | Germany 1992
Casseopaya - Xenophobia Preis 50,00 € Artist: CasseopayaTitle: XenophobiaLabel: CLabel No: C 001Deutschland | Germany 1993
Castro - Be What You Wanna Be Preis 3,00 € Artist: CastroTitle: Be What You Wanna BeLabel: WHO'S THAT BEAT?Label No: WHOS65Belgien | Belgium 1992
Choob - Choobular E.P. Preis 40,00 € Artist: ChoobTitle: Choobular E.P.Label: XTRA TERRESTRIAL RECORDINGSLabel No: XTT0014Großbritannien | United Kingdom 1995
Cirez D - Mouseville Theme Preis 8,00 € Artist: Cirez DTitle: Mouseville ThemeLabel: MOUSEVILLELabel No: MOUSE005Schweden | Sverige 2006
Clubheroes - Smurf's Revenge • The... Preis 4,00 € Artist: ClubheroesTitle: Smurf's Revenge • The Dum Dum RemixesLabel: FORMALDEHYDLabel No: FORM 037Deutschland | Germany 1996
Cominotto - Minimalistix Preis 3,00 € Artist: CominottoTitle: MinimalistixLabel: BXRLabel No: 1079-12Deutschland | Germany 1999
Correct - The Four Seasons: Spring Preis 3,00 € Artist: CorrectTitle: The Four Seasons: SpringLabel: POLYDORLabel No: 859151-1Deutschland | Germany unknown
Cult Of House - The Party Preis 3,00 € Artist: Cult Of HouseTitle: The PartyLabel: MADDOGLabel No: 128.045Deutschland | Germany 1995
Cult Of House - The Party Preis 5,00 € Artist: Cult Of HouseTitle: The PartyLabel: MADDOGLabel No: 128.045Deutschland | Germany 1995
Culture Beat - Walk The Same Line Preis 7,00 € Artist: Culture BeatTitle: Walk The Same LineLabel: DANCE POOLLabel No: DANSAMP MS37446Deutschland | Germany 1996
D.A.G. - L.T.S. Techno Preis 7,00 € Artist: D.A.G.Title: L.T.S. TechnoLabel: LION TRACSLabel No: 0501Italien | Italy 1991
Dave 202 Feat. Boris G. - Street... Preis 7,00 € Artist: Dave 202 Feat. Boris G.Title: Street Parade 2000 (Believe In Love)Label: PROTON RECORDSLabel No: PRO 002R-6Deutschland | Germany 2000
DB Arts - Vol. 1 Preis 7,00 € Artist: DB ArtsTitle: Vol. 1Label: DECIBEL RECORDINGSLabel No: DB 999Deutschland | Germany 1993
Deee Maestro - Deee Concerto • Remix Preis 5,00 € Artist: Deee MaestroTitle: Deee Concerto • RemixLabel: TOP SECRET RECORDSLabel No: TSX 133Italien | Italy 1992
DJ Hell - My Definition Of House Pt. 1 Preis 7,00 € Artist: DJ HellTitle: My Definition Of House Pt. 1Label: INTERNATIONAL DEEJAY GIGOLO RECORDSLabel No: GIGOLO 148Deutschland | Germany 2005
DJ Hitch Hiker Pres. Lunatic Asylum -... Preis 10,00 € Artist: DJ Hitch Hiker Pres. Lunatic AsylumTitle: Meltdown 2000Label: VELVET VIBE RECORDINGSLabel No: VVR 012Deutschland | Germany 1999
DJ Ice - Various Artists • Second... Preis 29,00 € Artist: DJ IceTitle: Various Artists • Second Procedure Of Uncle Ben'sLabel: FGP PRODUCTIONSLabel No: 47-892Deutschland | Germany 1992
DJ JamX - Sexomatic Preis 3,00 € Artist: DJ JamXTitle: SexomaticLabel: HIGHBALL MUSICLabel No: noneDeutschland | Germany 2000
DJ Jo - Space Harmony Preis 40,00 € Artist: DJ JoTitle: Space HarmonyLabel: OUTTA RECORDSLabel No: 695024Italien | Italy 1995