Abba - Arrival Preis 7,00 € Artist: AbbaTitle: ArrivalLabel: POLYDORLabel No: 2344058Deutschland | Germany 1976
Neu Abba - The Album Preis 7,00 € Artist: AbbaTitle: The AlbumLabel: POLYDORLabel No: 2335 180Deutschland | Germany 1978
Amanda Lear - Sweet Revenge Preis 4,00 € Artist: Amanda LearTitle: Sweet RevengeLabel: ARIOLALabel No: 25900Deutschland | Germany 1978
Aneka - Japanese Boy Preis 13,00 € Artist: AnekaTitle: Japanese BoyLabel: HANSA INTERNATIONALLabel No: 204344Deutschland | Germany 1981
Baccara - Baccara Preis 8,00 € Artist: BaccaraTitle: BaccaraLabel: RCA VICTORLabel No: PL 28316Deutschland | Germany 1977
Billy Ocean - Tear Down These Walls Preis 5,00 € Artist: Billy OceanTitle: Tear Down These WallsLabel: JIVELabel No: 6.26766Deutschland | Germany 1988
Billy Ocean - Tear Down These Walls Preis 5,00 € Artist: Billy OceanTitle: Tear Down These WallsLabel: JIVELabel No: 656.101Niederlande | Netherlands 1988
Bob Welch - French Kiss Preis 3,00 € Artist: Bob WelchTitle: French KissLabel: CAPITOL RECORDSLabel No: 064-85266Deutschland | Germany 1977
Boney M. - Love For Sale Preis 3,00 € Artist: Boney M.Title: Love For SaleLabel: HANSA INTERNATIONALLabel No: 28888 OTDeutschland | Germany 1977
Boney M. - Love For Sale Preis 11,00 € Artist: Boney M.Title: Love For SaleLabel: HANSA INTERNATIONALLabel No: 28888 OTDeutschland | Germany 1977
Boney M. - Oceans Of Fantasy Preis 3,00 € Artist: Boney M.Title: Oceans Of FantasyLabel: HANSALabel No: 200888Niederlande | Netherlands 1979
C.C. Catch - Catch The Catch Preis 40,00 € Artist: C.C. CatchTitle: Catch The CatchLabel: HANSALabel No: 207707Deutschland | Germany 1986
Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighter Preis 4,00 € Artist: Carl DouglasTitle: Kung Fu FighterLabel: PYE RECORDSLabel No: 88465 XOTDeutschland | Germany 1974
Chic - C'est Chic Preis 19,00 € Artist: ChicTitle: C'est ChicLabel: ATLANTICLabel No: ATL 50549Deutschland | Germany 1978
Cindy & Roy - Feel It Preis 13,00 € Artist: Cindy & RoyTitle: Feel ItLabel: WEALabel No: K58053Großbritannien | United Kingdom 1979
Clout - Substitute Preis 5,00 € Artist: CloutTitle: SubstituteLabel: CARRERELabel No: 2934106Deutschland | Germany 1978
Crystal Grass Feat. Steve Leach -... Preis 65,00 € Artist: Crystal Grass Feat. Steve LeachTitle: Dance Up A StormLabel: PHILIPSLabel No: 9101032Frankreich | France 1976
Divine - My First Album Preis 13,00 € Artist: DivineTitle: My First AlbumLabel: METRONOMELabel No: 0060.569Deutschland | Germany 1982
Divine - T Shirts And Tight Blue Jeans Preis 13,00 € Artist: DivineTitle: T Shirts And Tight Blue JeansLabel: BREAK RECORDSLabel No: 841007Niederlande | Netherlands 1984
Donna Summer - A Love Trilogy Preis 7,00 € Artist: Donna SummerTitle: A Love TrilogyLabel: ATLANTICLabel No: ATL 50265Deutschland | Germany 1976
Donna Summer - All Systems Go Preis 13,00 € Artist: Donna SummerTitle: All Systems GoLabel: WARNER BROS. RECORDSLabel No: 252953-1Europa | Europe 1987
Donna Summer - Cats Without Claws Preis 10,00 € Artist: Donna SummerTitle: Cats Without ClawsLabel: WARNER BROS. RECORDSLabel No: 250806-1Deutschland | Germany 1984
Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The... Preis 6,00 € Artist: Donna SummerTitle: She Works Hard For The MoneyLabel: MERCURYLabel No: 812265-1Deutschland | Germany 1983
Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The... Preis 4,00 € Artist: Donna SummerTitle: She Works Hard For The MoneyLabel: MERCURYLabel No: 812265-1Deutschland | Germany 1983
Eartha Kitt - I'm Still Here Preis 7,00 € Artist: Eartha KittTitle: I'm Still HereLabel: ARIOLALabel No: 210390Deutschland | Germany 1989
El Coco - Mondo Disco Preis 3,00 € Artist: El CocoTitle: Mondo DiscoLabel: PYE RECORDSLabel No: LDM.30.310Frankreich | France 1976
Endgames - Building Beauty Preis 8,00 € Artist: EndgamesTitle: Building BeautyLabel: VIRGINLabel No: 205729Europa | Europe 1983
Endgames - Building Beauty Preis 7,00 € Artist: EndgamesTitle: Building BeautyLabel: VIRGINLabel No: 205729Europa | Europe 1983
Enigma - Ain't No Stoppin' Preis 4,00 € Artist: EnigmaTitle: Ain't No Stoppin'Label: CREOLE RECORDSLabel No: 6.24887Deutschland | Germany 1981
Frizzle Sizzle - First Date Preis 9,00 € Artist: Frizzle SizzleTitle: First DateLabel: TOUCH DOWN RECORDSLabel No: 267.008Niederlande | Netherlands 1987
George Benson - Give Me The Night Preis 25,00 € Artist: George BensonTitle: Give Me The NightLabel: WARNER BROS. RECORDSLabel No: WB 56823Deutschland | Germany 1980
George Duke - Thief In The Night Preis 7,00 € Artist: George DukeTitle: Thief In The NightLabel: ELEKTRALabel No: 960398-1Europa | Europe 1985
Gina X Performance - Nice Mover Preis 27,00 € Artist: Gina X PerformanceTitle: Nice MoverLabel: CRYSTALLabel No: 064CRY45129Deutschland | Germany 1978
Hot Chocolate - Class Preis 7,00 € Artist: Hot ChocolateTitle: ClassLabel: RAKLabel No: 074-64174Deutschland | Germany 1980
Hot Chocolate - Every 1's A Winner Preis 5,00 € Artist: Hot ChocolateTitle: Every 1's A WinnerLabel: RAKLabel No: 064-60499Deutschland | Germany 1978
Hot Chocolate - Going Through The... Preis 7,00 € Artist: Hot ChocolateTitle: Going Through The MotionsLabel: RAKLabel No: 1C064-62915Deutschland | Germany 1979
Hot Chocolate - Mystery Preis 5,00 € Artist: Hot ChocolateTitle: MysteryLabel: RAKLabel No: 06464933Europa | Europe 1982
Hot Chocolate - Mystery Preis 3,00 € Artist: Hot ChocolateTitle: MysteryLabel: RAKLabel No: 06464933Europa | Europe 1982
Imagination - Night Dubbing Preis 9,00 € Artist: ImaginationTitle: Night DubbingLabel: RED BUS RECORDSLabel No: 205443Europa | Europe 1983
Imagination - Night Dubbing Preis 7,00 € Artist: ImaginationTitle: Night DubbingLabel: RED BUS RECORDSLabel No: 205443Europa | Europe 1983
Ivan - Hey Mademoiselle Preis 7,00 € Artist: IvanTitle: Hey MademoiselleLabel: CBSLabel No: S 57027Spanien | Espana 1986
Jimmy 'Bo' Horne - Goin' Home For Love Preis 9,00 € Artist: Jimmy 'Bo' HorneTitle: Goin' Home For LoveLabel: T.K. RECORDSLabel No: TKR 83365Europa | Europe 1979
Kano - New York Cake Preis 18,00 € Artist: KanoTitle: New York CakeLabel: MIRAGELabel No: MIR 50855Deutschland | Germany 1982
Kids From Fame, The - The Kids From... Preis 13,00 € Artist: The Kids From FameTitle: The Kids From Fame AgainLabel: RCA VICTORLabel No: VPL1-7460Australien | Australia 1982
Laura Branigan - Branigan 2 Preis 23,00 € Artist: Laura BraniganTitle: Branigan 2Label: ATLANTICLabel No: 780066-1Deutschland | Germany 1983
Les Rita Mitsouko - The No Comprendo Preis 12,00 € Artist: Les Rita MitsoukoTitle: The No ComprendoLabel: VIRGINLabel No: 207679Europa | Europe 1986
Lime - Lime 3 Preis 6,00 € Artist: LimeTitle: Lime 3Label: POLYDORLabel No: 813066Deutschland | Germany 1986
Lime - Lime II Preis 8,00 € Artist: LimeTitle: Lime IILabel: POLYDORLabel No: 2311152Deutschland | Germany 1982